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Environmental Policy

At Broughtons we recognize that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and are continually looking to improve our environmental credentials as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods. We want to ensure we adopt a holistic and balanced view that gives the best overall environmental performance. We recognize there is always room for improvement.
Some of the things we currently do are:

• We segregate our waste into paper, plastic, glass, cardboard and landfill and so recycle whatever is possible (and we have done so for many years). It is collected by licensed waste management companies.

• We use LED light bulbs throughout the business and in our showroom.

• We encourage a paperless office.

• We shred cardboard on site to reuse as packaging material.

• We buy maize based packaging chips instead of polystyrene.

• We keep ALL plastic packaging that comes to us and reuse it (when needed) to pack goods being despatched to you.

• We continually look for and trial alternatives to various forms of plastic packaging (some more successful than others).
Sometimes we do have to use new plastic packaging for goods being despatched, particularly for smaller items which don't warrant a cardboard box.  Many items we sell online are heavy and/or fragile and can therefore be easily dented or damaged if not protected sufficiently. If we have used plastic in your delivery, then it is following careful consideration that it is the best solution to get your items to you efficiently and undamaged. We try to always source recyclable plastic. We consider that if goods arrive damaged due to insufficient packaging then it is an environmental failure as the entire carbon footprint is doubled. Also, we wouldn't unwrap an item that came to us in plastic packaging before we send it out to you - to hide the use of plastic from you in the supply process doesn't help our environment after all.
To reduce environmental impact, you could consider purchasing items that are made in the UK (or Europe). Not only because the items won't have to travel the thousands of miles to reach you, but also because standards and legislation regarding emissions from factories and manufacturing in the UK are tighter than in the Far East. In addition, the health and safety and welfare standards for workers are likely to be higher.


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